Magento introduction , installation
- Introduction of Magento
- Background & Features
- Understanding Catalog ,Categories from admin panel
- Creating some attributes
- Understanding Root vs Sub category
- Creating Categories
Products,Block,Widgets,CMS PAGE , Composer
- Magento Product Types
- Creating product and showing to frontend
- Creating CMS Pages
- Static blocks
- Creating Widgets
- Url rewrite management, adding CMS page to top category menu
- Understanding Composer
Working With Free Theme and paid Theme
- Magento Theme Installation
- Magento Theme Configuration
- Theme Documentation
- Home Page Setup
- Demo Data if Provided by Theme
Magento directory structure
- Disabling cache for theming
- Magento directory structure
- Understanding theme fallback
- Layout and templates
- Showing template path hint
- Blocks and Containers
- Reference/Insert Block and Container
- Removing unnecessary libraries and blocks
- Moving blocks
- Transferring variables from layout into block
Magento Theming (HTML template to Magento Theme)
- Creating folder for our module’s package name and theme name
- Creating theme.xml,registration.php,comopser.json
- Creating ‘web’ folder for static files
- Using command line for static content deply
- Adding our css to default_head_blocks.xml
- Adding our images to ‘web/images’ folder
- Understand how magento templates,layout loads
- Converting HTML template to Magento Theme
Magento Module Development
- Magento module file structure
- Setup our module with basic configuration
- Create module Controller
- Create Router
Module Development : Creating Block, View
- Create Block
- Create View file
- Binding of a template system to block
Module Development : Creating Database Table, Models
- Creating our database table schema
- Create Model, Resource Model and Collection files.
- Get data from the database and display them on frontend
Module Development : data list ,data add frm in block
- show list of data on a block
- Creating form in block to insert data on database table
Module Development : Creating backend of our module
- Add links to the admin main menu
- Admin controllers
Module Development : Creating backend of our module
- Admin templates
Module Development : Event driven architecture
- Magento Event driven architecture
Tools to help with developments in Magento
- Developer mode
- Developer-Debug Tool
- Logging into Magento
- Custom Module
- Pin-code Check
- Admin Grid
- Theme development
- Custom Theme Referance